Sunday, May 14, 2017

Six Strategies Employed by SEO Experts

Search Engine Optimization is among the primary elements that a business man can utilize to get high traffic to his website. This process customizes your website to the algorithms that are utilized by search engines to rank the sites. The ranking process is conducted by way of signals that emerge from the site.

In this article we will discus about some of the main strategies that help in optimizing your website like  .

Use of Meta tags:

Meta tags play a significant role in SEO. By typing a keyword into a search engine, you will see the way in which the title of the page reflects the keyword. Google will try to find relevance between the title tag of the page and the keyword you typed. Google does the same for the description of the page.

Keyword Research:

Keyword research is an integral strategy of SEO. SEO experts conduct research to find out the keywords that people might type to look for a product or a service. Then they use those keywords to bring traffic to a company website. With the help of Keyword Tool of Google AdWords, an SEO can also assess how much competition the company will get. Sometimes, an SEO observes that a certain keyword which seems most suitable has a lot of competition from other companies. In such cases, they use long-tail keywords that range from two to five words. Ranking a business with long-tail keyword is easier than a short keyword. Longer the keyword, lower the competition.

Use of Backlinks:

Backlinks help in keeping track of other web pages that link to your post. For example, you have written a blog. Someone reads that blog and likes it. He writes a post in his own blog and links your post. Now, you can see that a reader linked his post to your post. It will include a sneak peak into what he has written and the link to his post. This way, your article will get many links and it will become popular. The better the quality of the posts that link back to your site the more will be the number of visitors to your site because people want to read more good stuff after they read a good article or blog.


Good content writing increases the chance of enhancing traffic to a website and also to blog posts. The better the quality of the content the more will it attract readers. If the content of a website is helpful in educating its readers then the website will enjoy enhanced sales of its products and services.

Images of products:

When a customer types a keyword he comes across two answers. One is the web result and the other is the image result. If the images of a product you are selling on the website are of good quality and the names of the files have required keyword, then the images that are there on your site will appear on the search engine results. Chances are high that the image from your site will get good ranks because of the presence of apt keywords on the file names. This also leads to increase in potential customers as whoever will see the image will click on it and learn about your website.

Social media:

When a blog is written or the link of a website is shared on social media sites like Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, search engines get an idea about the websites that should be ranked as per the keywords in it. For instance, when a link is repeatedly tweeted by users, search engines understand that it is good content because many people shared it via their social networks.
Now, you know the strategies that a company like  can utilize to get high rank in search engines. So, if you want more traffic to your website, then apply the above mentioned tricks and see the difference.

Internet of Things or how the Internet has come home

Not long ago, the Internet entered the house to provide services that not even imagined. Now, we are witnessing the phenomenon called “Internet of things”, which is nothing but all everyday objects are connected to the Internet.

And today is that the network is able to reach everything. Who would have ever imagined your kitchen refrigerator could be connected to the Internet? It is a revolution that can still surprise more.
These advances automate everyday processes. Technology is advancing rapidly and we have to adapt to it and take advantage of the benefits offered by this website

Smart devices, very present in the home

It is no longer just about mobile phone, now all objects are likely to connect to the Internet. A clear example of this are the new Smart TV with downloadable content and access to various social networks, among other things.

Another very clear is the power to control the lighting of the house from a smartphone. Having to be aware of the switches seem, before too long, unnecessary effort.

These are just two, but many more, as the brands of appliances put all their efforts to turn their products into smart objects that facilitate housework.

One aspect to consider in these devices is the Internet, which is that all (or most of them) are connected via wifi, which is a determining factor. And here  the question arises, what Internet hire?

Mister comparison helps you choose

Mister comparison helps you decide. How? Showing you a single click the best among those with different telecom companies. This web VAT price, features, speed and other details appears very to consider the user feedback. And to know what others think like you do you decide on one or the other offer.

As if this were not enough, they also have a speed test to see if you hired the speed corresponds to the one you have, an important factor when many devices are to be connected in the home.

Тhе Веst Сhеар Rесrеаtіоnаl Κауаk - 5 Тhіngs То Lооk Fоr

Yоu'rе dуіng tо gеt оut оn thе wаtеr. Yоu wаnt tо buу а kауаk, but уоur budgеt іs lіmіtеd. Yоu knоw thаt уоu wаnt tо раddlе sоmе lаkеs аnd а fеw rіvеrs thаt аrеn't whіtе wаtеr, but whаt kіnd оf kауаk dо уоu buу? Ноw dо уоu knоw уоu аrе gеttіng а grеаt dеаl оn а kауаk? Wіll уоu еvеn wаnt tо usе thіs kауаk іn а уеаr?

Lеt's аnswеr аll thоsе quеstіоns аnd mоrе tо hеlр уоu fіnd thе bеst сhеар rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk аvаіlаblе at
Fіrst, lеt's mаkе surе уоu undеrstаnd whаt а rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk іs, bеfоrе wе еvеn gеt tо thе роіnt оf tаlkіng аbоut thе bеst сhеар kауаks оn thе mаrkеt.

Аs thе nаmе іmрlіеs, rесrеаtіоnаl kауаks аrе fоr thе rесrеаtіоnаl usеr. Тhеу аrе реrfесt fоr thе hоbbуіst whо wаnts tо gеt оut оn thе wаtеr fоr рlеаsurе, ехеrсіsе, rесrеаtіоn аnd mеntаl hеаlth. І јust thrеw thе mеntаl hеаlth іn thеrе bесаusе іt surе іs truе. Κауаkіng саn bе а hugе strеss rеlіеvеr, but thаt's а dіffеrеnt роst fоr а dіffеrеnt dау! А rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk іs vеrsаtіlе еnоugh tо usе оn flаt wаtеr аnd sоmе rіvеrs. Іt іs stаblе еnоugh fоr а bеgіnnеr, аnd trасks wеll еnоugh tо bе usеd fоr lоng раddlеs. Іt's а соmfоrtаblе bоаt, wіth lоts оf stоrаgе rооm fоr уоur gеаr. Тhе rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk іs а grеаt сhоісе fоr 90% оf thе реорlе whо kауаk!

Whеthеr уоu wаnt tо gеt а sіt оn tор оr а sіt іn kауаk, thеrе аrе а fеw thіngs уоu shоuld lооk fоr. Unfоrtunаtеlу fоr sо mаnу реорlе, а сhеар rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk hаs turnеd оut tо bе јust thаt - сhеар! Yоu trulу dо gеt whаt уоu рау fоr whеn іt соmеs tо buуіng а rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk. Јust bесаusе І dоn't rесоmmеnd gеttіng а сhеар kауаk, thаt dоеsn't mеаn уоu nееd tо sреnd а tоn оf mоnеу. І wаnt уоu tо gеt thе bеst rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk уоu саn аffоrd, аnd lоvе usіng іt fоr а vеrу lоng tіmе!

5 thіngs tо lооk fоr іn а rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk:

1. Соmfоrtаblе Ѕеаtіng

Аnу kауаk уоu buу shоuld hаvе раddіng оn thе sеаt аnd sоmе аdјustmеnts thаt саn bе mаdе tо thе sеаt. Νеvеr, еvеr buу а kауаk wіth оnlу а рlаstіс rоtо-mоldеd sеаt. Yоu wіll rеgrеt thе dесіsіоn hаlfwау thrоugh уоur fіrst раddlе. Yоu аrе stuсk wіth thе sеаt оn аnу kауаk thаt уоu gеt, sо уоur mоnеу wіll bе wеll sреnt bу mаkіng surе уоur sеаt іs рrореrlу раddеd аnd аdјustаblе.

2. Ѕіzе Маttеrs... nоt sо muсh

Κауаks соmе іn dіffеrеnt lеngths fоr а rеаsоn. Gеnеrаllу, thе shоrtеr thе kауаk, thе еаsіеr іt іs tо turn аnd mаnеuvеr. Тhе lоngеr thе kауаk, thе bеttеr іt trасks іn а strаіght lіnе. Іt іs іmроrtаnt tо knоw whаt tуреs оf wаtеr уоu wіll bе раddlіng іn bеfоrе уоu mаkе а рurсhаsе. Rесrеаtіоnаl kауаks аrе gеnеrаllу bеtwееn 10' аnd 12'. Тhеrе іsn't gоіng tо bе а hugе аmоunt dіffеrеnсе bеtwееn а 10' аnd 12' kауаk. Воth sіzеs wоrk grеаt іn sеvеrаl tуреs оf wаtеr, sо dоn't swеаt tоо muсh оvеr thіs сhоісе. Dоn't fоrgеt thаt а lаrgеr kауаk wіll wеіgh mоrе, sо mаkе surе уоu саn рісk іt uр bу уоursеlf.

3. Ѕtоrаgе Ѕрасе аnd Dесk Rіggіng

Аnуtіmе уоu аrе lооkіng аt rесrеаtіоnаl kауаks, уоu wаnt tо рау аttеntіоn tо thе аvаіlаblе аmоunt оf drу stоrаgе sрасе buіlt іntо thе kауаk. Тrust mе, уоu wіll wаnt tо tаkе thіngs оut wіth уоu thаt уоu dоn't wаnt tо gеt wеt, sо thіs sрасе wіll bе ехtrеmеlу vаluаblе. Lооk аt thе оutsіdе оf thе kауаk. Dоеs іt hаvе а раddlе hоldеr аnd оthеr bungее tуре rіggіng аrоund thе dесk fоr stоrіng іtеms уоu wаnt tо kеер wіthіn rеасh? Yоu mау thіnk thеsе thіngs аrе nоt іmроrtаnt, but thеу sооn wіll bе. Yоu nееd tо hаvе рlасеs оn уоur bоаt whеrе уоu саn stоw thіngs аnd аttасh іtеms thаt уоu mау wаnt tо usе durіng уоur раddlе. Yоu аlsо nееd tо knоw thаt dесk rіggіng, раddlе hоldеrs аnd оthеr аttасhmеnts саn bе аddеd tо аlmоst аnу kауаk аftеr уоu рurсhаsе іt. Ноwеvеr, уоu thіs mау rеquіrе рrоfеssіоnаl іnstаllаtіоn.

4. Рrісе

Rеаlіstісаllу, уоu shоuld рlаn оn sреndіng $500-$700 оn а gооd quаlіtу kауаk. Hеrе аrе рlеntу оf nаmе brаnd mоdеls thаt hаvе gооd rесrеаtіоnаl kауаks іn thіs рrісе rаngе. Іn thіs рrісе rаngе, уоu саn gеt gооd stоrаgе sрасе аnd grеаt sеаtіng thаt уоu wіll bе hарру wіth fоr а lоng tіmе. Yоu саn fіnd kауаks muсh сhеареr thаn $500, but hоnеstlу І wоuld nоt rесоmmеnd gоіng wіth а kауаk thаt іs аt thе bоttоm оf thе рrісе rаngе. Тhеу wіll bе muсh hаrdеr tо раddlе, thеу wіll hаvе unсоmfоrtаblе sеаtіng, аnd уоu wоn't hаvе thе stоrаgе sрасе tо bе соmfоrtаblе whіlе уоu аrе оut оn thе wаtеr. Rеmеmbеr, wе wаnt tо gеt уоu thе ВЕЅТ сhеар rесrеаtіоnаl kауаk, nоt thе сhеареst оnе оn thе mаrkеt.

5. Вrаnds

Yоu wіll nеvеr rеgrеt рurсhаsіng а kауаk frоm а kауаk buіldіng соmраnу. І hаvе sееn tоns оf gеnеrіс mоldеd kауаks mаdе іn fасtоrіеs оvеr sеаs, thаt hаvе а lаbеl slарреd оn thеm аnd thеу аrе wіdеlу sоld аt lоw соst оutlеts аll оvеr thе соuntrу. Тhеrе аrе а lоt оf rеаsоns tо аvоіd thеsе kауаks, but thе mаіn rеаsоn іs thаt thеу аrе nоt mаdе bу реорlе whо асtuаllу kауаk. Тhеrе аrе sеvеrаl UЅ bаsеd соmраnіеs thаt wеrе stаrtеd bу kауаkіng еnthusіаsts, аnd thеу mаkе grеаt kауаks.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Global Digital Creativity Consciousness increasingly exploring HTML5 Cloud Revolution

The cloud is becoming richer and richer than the last moment at every second. The concept of computing is drifting constantly ‘heaven towards’ if you kind of believe that the clouds are where the heavens are. The several advantages of cloud computing are too good to resist by all major service providers. Amazon has been a major component of the cloud system. Google uses the cloud for several functions such as hosting the Google Docs. Companies like Options Computer are connecting with the cloud to take advantage of the immense scalability and analytic features in determining leading trends. The flexibility of accessing the data/apps and the relatively affordable procedure are acting as major incentives for websites to explore the cloud.

However, the system is still in an evolution stage. Here  are several major challenges on the way to perfection. Many software solutions at present still fail to comply with the requirements of the cloud. The creative solutions are also in the process of exploring the digital heavens in developing amazing design protocols. Although the data management features like spreadsheets, and marketing automation features have been major participants in the cloud network, creative faculties are still to open up largely to a system of cloud collaboration. Most of them are even now stagnant in offering desktop-based solutions solely. However, the overall scenario looks promising with the widespread acceptance of the HTML5 programming protocol.

Photo editing and sharing sites like Picnik (Acquired and integrated in Google +), Pixlr (Autodesk acquired it in 2011), and Aviary (the official photo editor affiliate of Flickr has around 50 million users regularly active) have been the first services to pioneer the creative inroads into the cloud. The professional cloud-based prototypic tools like Macaw, Flinto, and Flite Studio are rapidly gaining acceptance in the creative community.

The connection to the cloud can prove beneficial for both amateur and professional digital creative artists. The internet is essentially a huge canvas for creativity, if one thinks about it. The written text, the videos, and the audio, all have to explore creativity to progress in digital media. Website designing is also a creative process. Every site has to be aesthetic and present a pleasant user experience to survive. The photos and the social media posts are all creative signatures in many ways. It is in fact only a natural process that the systems of internet transform into an entirely cloud based protocol sometimes in the future. Professional digital artists, writers, photographers, designers, and programmers can hugely benefit from the cloud exploration.

·        Reviewing and collaborating becomes easy because all participants access the same creative node through a uniform browser gateway

·        File sharing issues disappear effectively in the secured and open system

·        No need of running elaborate updates on online software solutions because the cloud runs auto updates

·        Browser rendering transmutes into an intrinsic creative development procedure instead of an inconspicuous protocol at the system end

·        Optimizing digital file security because there is no danger of losing data on a stolen laptop or a hard drive crash

·        Automatic file redundancy options are also available

The technical standardization of online multimedia through HTML5 has been a major catalyst in connecting creativity with the cloud. The incompetency of the Flash systems includes its unavailability on many major mobile platforms and requirements of periodic updates. HTML5 has been a welcome alternative.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

SilinCode SOS, the gadget that will help you

Omega Pharma has put out a call SilinCode SOS bracelet, a gadget that can be of great help to people exposed to potential problems such as the elderly, children and athletes risk and, thanks to QR codes, can save us from dangerous situations. Here we will discuss the features of SilinCode SOS.

SilinCode What is SOS?

Persons at risk such as the elderly, children or even athletes practicing dangerous sports and may incur for them some kind of alert status must have something to warn of danger. Sometimes the smartphone or home phone can be slow or even can not access it if you are in a situation of great danger.

That SilinCode SOS born a bracelet plastic can be purchased at pharmacies around 20 euros and, far from being decorative, can save the lives of any of these people. What we will do is synchronize our watches with our mobile device or tablet and introduce some interesting facts and ways of contact, this should be advised if something happens or possible diseases that can have and have had.

More about SilinCode SOS

If something happens to us, therefore, thanks to QR code that does this person, just scan it we will contact that person to succor us. This can be very useful if something happens to us in the middle of the street; So, if someone is going to our aid, will scan the code and be alerted to our emergency contact. The bracelet is available at in various colors and sizes, which can be passed as a mere accessory that does not bother at any time and, as we see, can be particularly helpful in that population with more danger.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

IXpand SanDisk Flash Drive for iPhone and iPad

Was announced in November last year. Now makes its commercial debut the USB SanDisk signed, aimed at those who use iPhone and iPad.

IXpand SanDisk Flash Drive is the USB stick that connects to the most iconic devices from Apple: the ‘iPhone’ iPad. This portable storage device works like any other, ensuring external storage of data, but has the added bonus of meeting the needs of those who use the smartphone and the tablet of Cupertino.

The credit is the Lightning connector integrated, which allows you to transfer files, such as text, photos, videos, songs and so on, in both directions, that is, in and out.

This flash drive helps to free up the memory of the two devices, but also to lug the captured material elsewhere, in a very simple and practical. In the first case, it is not difficult to understand the importance of having more memory space to turn, perhaps, long videos with friends, during a vacation, without running out of capacity, especially basic version and less equipped jewels Apple.

Designed for iOS devices, the key of which we are concerned is linked to these through a specific application, which synchronizes the elements. Three dimensional cuts provided: 16, 32 and 64 GB, to better meet the diverse needs of customers. As we said, the iXpand Flash Drive comes with a USB connector and a connector Lightning.

Data sheet in pills               
  • Interface: USB 2.0 Connectors and Lightning
  • Available versions: 16GB, 32GB and 64GB
  • Compatibility: iPhone and iPad with iOS 7.1 and higher
  • PC / Mac compatibility: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac OS X v10.6 +
  • Supported video formats: WMV, AVI, .mkv, .mp4, .mov
  • Li-ion battery (3.7V): pre-charged, ready for use
  • Operating Temperature: 0 to 60 ° C
  • Dimensions: 64.17 mm x 36.78 mm x 11.80 mm


Its time when all will agree that whether on the go or stationed at a place, home or office, shopping or relaxing, gadgets have always made life simpler for each one of us. The more the innovation in this area the better suited the gadgets are for us. Sites like are very useful to find gadgets and see what companies have to offer.

So here we bring to you the latest gadgets that can further ease life for you:

  1. Logitech Bluetooth Multi-device Keyboard: In spite of the computing platform, the device can be used for three devices at an instance. You can be working on your computer, switch easily to your smartphone and answer a message or use messenger using your tablet. Great functioning!
  2. Logitech Type-S: This is a thin and shielding keyboard case for your Samsung Galaxy Tab S10. The devise easily protects and safeguards both the sides of your tablet. It has an in-built keyboard via a Bluetooth and the keys are far spaced to assist in comfortable typing.
  3. Livescribe Echo Smartpen: The best pen that could have been discovered. Keep taking down the notes and if you cannot match pace, switch on the recorder in the pen. Record all that is played and listen it later. You will never miss an important point now!
  4. SyrenPro: Resistant to the weather outside this is a wireless outdoor Bluetooth speaker that has wireless stereo paring. So you can create your own streo system without the wires using speakers. The battery used in the device can last up to four hours so now you can have music anywhere, anytime!
  5. LaCie RuggedKey: This Key is build to absorb the shock of falling from heights and still be safe. The key also has an USB 3.0 interface so you can now save your data in your key itself!
  6. Photo iPad Scanning Dock: This scanner will save your cherished photographs directly to your iPad. You just have to install the application and it shall start performing. So the photographs that are now in a hard copy can be easily saved in your personal device. The chances of losing your memories are reduced considerably. Can you believe that, this device takes less than 12 seconds to convert your pictures!
  7. Soundwall: The latest and most improved of all the technologies ever heard off! If you are in love with sounds and you enjoy what you see along then you can go for the Soundwall. It is a canvas wall that is a speaker with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in built. So the entire canvas you see iare the speakers of the wall! As of now the available canvases are limited to what the website has to offer. However, going forward changes and innovations are expected in the Soundwall.
  8. Kube: A marvelous new invention. It acts as a 60 pound cooler and when needed it can be turned into a Bluetooth speaker! Yeas you heard it right, so all the frequent travelers you can pack up your beer for the journey and let it remain chilled. If you happen to take a break convert your cooler into a speaker and let the music play!
  9. Lantronix Zano: The apt device for your smart phone to access the conjunction in your device. It is the size of your palm and is monitored by your smart phone itself. The device helps you overcome the obstacles and discovers them for you. You can find the exact location of the conjunction with the help of this device.
  10. Misfit Swarovski Shine: Another new bling gadget from the crystal powers. The device is a fitness tracker and is surrounded by the crystals all around it. The crystals are used to store the solar energy and then this energy is used to power the device. Indeed a good use of solar energy, so you do not waste money on batteries anymore!
  11. Ring: Were it as a ring on your finger and control some of the functions of your phones with this gadget. Please note that Ring is compatible with only few of the smartphone functions. The metal version was introduced a bit in the past, however, the latest version is in plastic. All you need to do is wriggle your finger and get the work done, so you can tweet, switch on the flashlight or make a shape on your phone canvas.
  12. Pacif-i: You have always been a situation when your baby refuses to take thermometer! So why not have their pacifier monitor their temperature! Yes, PAcif-I helps you monitor the temperature of your baby while also acts as a normal pacifier. So the hassle is now done away with.
These devices are bound make life simpler for you and add to the existing fun to your life. This is purely for your ease and is a non-promotional article. Who knew that technology could make such a difference to the mankind!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

5 helpful suggestions to complete online business

Operating an internet business might not be simple because ABC because you need to stick out amongst additional web sites searching motors. You merely require important on the internet existence so that your company is seen throughout the year. What’s great regarding conducting business on the internet is actually getting much less expense. A person have to develop a recognized web site that’s easy to use which clients discover your own items helpful to their own every day requirements.

1. Provide Some thing Useful in order to Clients

If you opt to set up an internet business, your own marketplace may achieve globally customers. Nevertheless, this isn’t sufficient because you need to know your competitors as well as exactly what they’re promoting. It may seem which establishing an internet site along with excellent items is sufficient in order to pull interest through potential prospects. You have to make sure you are providing much better top quality items which are just provided inside your shop as well as good for their own requirements.

2. Select a Great Website name along with a Trustworthy Website hosting Support

Before you decide to set up your company on the internet, remember to join up this based on your own state laws and regulations. Definitely, you would like your web shop to maximise it’s complete possibilities. As soon as carried out, you need to select a great website like rankingwalker  that’s brief as well as catchy to become very easily appreciated through customers.

In order to run 24/7, investigation as well as evaluate just about all choices for a dependable website hosting support. Definitely, you will find free of charge website hosting providers, however when you are severe with this particular company, you’ll need a compensated support which retains your website operating the entire 12 months.

3. Keep track of your site

For those who have set up a brand new web site, you have to keep track of the actual system with regard to feasible mistakes. You certainly would like a good error-free plan to create possible customers proceed without any trouble. Your website ought to be operating quick exactly where clients discover every thing they require. These people do not have to proceed to another competitors because points tend to be the following with this store.

Make sure the actual workflow inside your web site is actually operating not surprisingly. Most important webpages would be the home page, the internet store and many frequented item pages.

4. Construct Connection along with Clients and people That Go to Your web business

This required a person considerable time to construct your web business as well as creating believe in through clients could be hard. Like a great proprietor of the web site, you have to develop a romantic relationship along with prior, present as well as long term clients. Develop a connection together which means you train these phones believe in your company, and for that reason supply all of them a choice in order to patronize your own items. You might include customer-service area inside your web site with regard to clients to find the needed details about these products a person market. You may even question them with regard to feedback or even provide all of them unique offers in order to benefit their own pursuits.

5. Sketching Web site traffic as well as Monitoring Strategies  
You may already know you’ve set up a trusted digital shop, the next thing is sketching web site traffic. You might select a compensated support for example seo. This process raises your own rates searching motors in order to very easily appeal to much more internet surfers in the future aimed at your website.

Apart from web site traffic, you’ll need abilities in order to monitor your own strategies. This site  particular will help you to keep track of the amount of individuals arriving as well as helping your website. Knowing how you can monitor strategies, you realize that promotional initiatives will work or even not really. After that you can select lucrative strategies more than individuals merely dropping your hard earned money.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Top Offbeat Activities on an Ooty Kodaikanal Tour

Tamil Nadu, with its fair share of hill stations and fun places, has always been on the top of any vacationer’s list wanting to explore wild unseen terrains. Ooty and Kodaikanal are two enigmatic places where you can be a part of joyful offbeat activities.

Book from a variety of Ooty-Kodaikanal tour packages (for itinerary or details about this tour you may visit ) and get ready for an unforgettable adventure drenched time. Do not miss to visit these special offbeat places.

Here’s a checklist of some of the places and experiences in Ooty and Kodaikanal that have a well-deserved mention.

Berjiam Lake

Just around 21 km. from Tamil Nadu’s Kodaikanal district, amidst thickly wooded forest area, is an unusual water spot known as Berijam Lake. It was originally a swamp area, converted into a wonderful lake with very pure and clear water. The entire area is filled with abundant trees such as acacia and pine trees, serving as a beautiful picnic spot that you can enjoy to the fullest with friends or family.

Things to do at Kodaikanal Berijam Lake

You can get lucky and glimpse wild bison or deer around the area. Berijam is the last access point for travellers touring in cars or buses. There are certain forest laws, which you need to follow to visit this rare forested area. You can swim in the lake, go trekking or simply absorb the quiet wildlife with your loved ones.

Guna Caves

Bang on the Pillar Rock road; not many tourists are aware of the scenic beauty of Guna Caves or its whereabouts (8 km. from Kodaikanal bust stand). If you are one of those adventure seekers, wanting an exciting and chilling experience; the mystical Guna caves is all yours. They are a set of caves that is accessible only after a steep climb. It is advisable to go exploring in a group and only during daylight hours. The entrance to the caves is restricted to public and is a highly protected area.

Best activities in Kodaikanal Guna Caves Area

The creepy cave atmosphere provides an excellent background to click innumerable pictures. The gigantic boulders, hushed bat infested environment and dark caves can silently sneak up on you making it doubly exhilarating and electrifying. Enjoy watching the waterfalls nearby, study the great architectural beauty in and around Guna Caves and get some quality exercise on climbing the deep ravines to reach the spot.

Porthimund Lake

Almost an hour’s drive from Ooty; you come to Pothimund Lake, nestled between dense forested terrain. Feels like real heaven with a breathtaking view of the majestic mountains and lush greenery around the unexplored place. You can visit this mesmerising natural lakeside in tour/state buses or private cars. You drive past many scenic beauties such as Sandhya Lake, picturesque meadows and teeming wild life.

Things to do in Ooty Porthimund Lake

Enroute to the lake; you can click at for looking lovely photographs of the Porthimund Dam, wild animals, gurgling waterfalls and distant mountains. Most probably, a forest official or two may escort you around through the wooded jungles. Many visitors take pleasure in trekking activity to soak up the scenario.
The Western Ghats have always attracted the enthusiastic tourist groups who want to have a firsthand taste of mother-nature and her rich bounties. These wishes can indeed come true by visiting out of the way less populated places. Other offbeat places during your Ooty-Kodaikanal travel package can include Kotagiri in the Nilgiris, Kodiakanal Windmills, Kukkal Caves and Bryant Park to name a few. Such thrilling excursions can really help you unwind the tolls and stresses of mundane city life.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Temperatures Are Soaring! Beat The Summer Heat To Play Your Best Golf

Just because the mercury is rising, it doesn’t mean that you cannot play your best golf in the hotter states like Texas. Though the average summer temperature in the Lone Star State reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit in April, and can even go up to 87 degrees in May, you can adapt yourself to the heat when playing in a golf club of Texas. How to beat the heat this summer without ruining your scores? Here are some smart ways to stay cool on the course:

Dress Appropriately to Stay Cool

Always wear white or any loose, light-colored apparel with breathable fabric. Cotton is one of the best summer-cool materials to opt for that would help you stay comfortable.  You need to remember a few things when dressing for golf on a hot, humid day. Wear shorts if the golf club you are associated with allows it. Do not hit the course without wearing a hat. Wear one with a bill to keep your face and head from the blazing sun. And, do not forget to wear your sunglasses in between rounds to keep your eyes safe.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

Staying hydrated doesn’t mean drinking lots of water only during the round. Instead, have plenty of fluids for days. Most golfers start drinking more water once they hit the course. If you know that you need to tee off on a hot day, start taking fluids a few days before the match. It’s true that drinking water is the rule of the thumb when golfing during the summer months, but water alone will not help you on a course. Consider some sports drinks as well to boost your energy. There are electrolytes in such drinks that help you improve your athletic energy.

Pack the Right Things in Your Golf Bag

Pack the right things in your bag and pack on time. It’s no use waiting until the final day when you should be concentrating on how to make the best putts and swings. Keep a soft towel in the bag to wipe off sweat from your hands, face and neck. Carry a sun block or sunscreen lotion with high SPF content so that you can apply it on the exposed parts of your skin when required. Carry several bottles of water to the golf course.

Find Cool Shades

While playing on the fairway, which is devoid of shades, take shelter under the trees between your shots. This is important as staying under a cool shade will reduce the total amount of time you are golfing with the torrid sun overhead. If you need to walk on a golf course, stay close to the boundary of the holes. You’ll most probably find a lot of trees near these holes. If you are in the golf cart, stay under its roof. Let the others call you a lazy golfer, but your body will bless you for your prudence afterwards.

Have a Light Meal

Eat light, but eat well. Include a light meal of fresh veggies and fruits before a round of the game. Starving is not a good idea as you need to focus on your shots and play well. Avoid a heavy meal on a hot day. The last thing you would expect is to feel tired and lethargic because of a heavy diet. A light and healthy meal will boost your energy levels, in case you need to walk long distances on the course, and that too in the heat.

Teeing off in a golf club of Texas is fun if you know how to stay cool and hydrated. Prepare yourself to beat the heat and have lots of fun on the course. Happy golfing!