Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Why has my dog started pooping in the house

No matter what breed of dog you have, all dogs have at least one in their life poop inside the family home. This is normal for a dog that is not house trained. If your dog is trained to poop outside then there are a few things to consider. There are several factors that cause this, be they illness, aging or behavioral factors. If you recently added an adult dog to your family, then it could be stress. Dogs can get stressed if, in a new home, something is added or taken away from their routine. Also, being a new home with new people, the dog may not know how to signal to go outside. Keep an eye on your dog for signs he may need to go to the toilet then put him straight away and use words like go toilet so the dog can learn and understand what you want him to do.

If your dog is pooping inside consider these factors?

·         Incontinence due to aging
·         Canine cognitive dysfunction
·         Pain or arthritis
·         Separation anxiety
·         Sensitive to loud noises
·         Medical problem

Should I see a vet?

Talking to your vet can rule out medical problems like incontinence or worms, and they can offer advice. Trying a few things at home can help before going to the vet. Feeding a bland diet for 24 hours to see if this calms it down as it could be an allergic reaction or a stomach bug that can often get better within 24 hours.
How can I help at home?

It's important to not discipline or raise your voice at your dog as this can sometimes make their behavior worse and stress them out further. If your dog is inside while you are not home keep him confined to one room to limit the mess. Give them a really tough dog toy that they can get used to which will keep them busy and last long enough for the transition period. Keeping worn clothes with your scent on it can help ease their stress which may help limit the mess being left inside.

If medical factors have been ruled out, a behavioral therapist can help train your pooch out of this problem.